Wednesday 23 October 2013



Not so many years ago I'd have been overjoyed at the mention of a lock-in. Perhaps I should explain to non-native English speakers.

In the UK bars used to have strict closing times by law, putting a stop to our drinking fun at far too early an hour. From what I remember anyway, the fun had only just begun!!! So at closing time everyone was told to go home....enough alcohol, it's bed time and you have to work tomorrow said the law. Except.....the lucky few of us who knew the landlord. We were allowed to stay in the bar, and the doors would be locked, but the bar would remain open serving us a few more bevvies, hence the phrase 'lock-in'. So the party continued!!

I had my own private lock-in last night. It was a quiet affair with far too few people involved to make it a party, and a distinct lack of alcohol. In fact I'd even run out of milk. I worked late at the office, like you do when you need a bit of peace and quiet. But not too late, as I had an appointment with my friend who runs a business making and delivering healthy food to busy people who want to look after their bodies. Each Monday her team of chefs prepare food for the local homeless people and she personally delivers it to them in a shelter on the streets in conjunction with the local church. I love helping her out, I'd never make a silver service waitress, but I do my best!

Computer off.....running....down the four flights of stairs, switching the lights off as I go, knowing I am last out of our beautiful Victorian building. While I was in Russia I had a new front door at home installed. When I got home, I took my old keys off the and slipped the shiny new ones onto my key-ring. Oops!! Sadly for me, I had also removed one of the office keys - The Most Important One. The front door of the building, twice my height, stood locked between me and freedom.

I was suddenly very aware of the deep, dark, empty silence. What's a girl to do? Panic!!!
Trapped, alone in a huge building in the dark at night. Well, it would have been dark if I'd switched the lights off.

Forcing myself to stay calm, I went back upstairs checking every door on the way for an escape route - but they were all locked. Retreating to my own office I looked bleakly out of the window.....four floors up.

Only one option.

Ring my neighbour who has spare keys and ask her to drive down with them and unlock the door from the outside. Of course it was exactly like that, completely as calm and controlled as I write ;)

If only I hadn't gone to Russia, if only I hadn't had a new front door.....if only....

Did I work late tonight? Yes, of course I did, if only to see if I could top last night's thrills.....I just have a temporary key paranoia.

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